Well Woman Gynecology
Most people think that midwives only deal with pregnancy and birth. In fact, most midwives offer a full range of services to women throughout their lifespan. At WomanWise, we know that annual exams, including periodic Pap smears and breast exams, are an important part of maintaining health and wellness.
Recent guidelines have changed and now most women do not need a Pap test every year. If you are negative for the high risk strains of HPV, Pap tests are once every 3-5 years. If your HPV test is positive, you will be screened every year until you clear the virus and then you will be screened less often.
Even if you do not need a yearly Pap test, annual exams give us a chance to review other aspects of your reproductive and sexual health. We perform a clinical breast exam and depending on your age and history, recommend mammographic screening.
Prenatal care and birth
At Womanwise, you will receive excellent care during your pregnancy at either one of our two homey and comfortable offices. The schedule of prenatal visits is standard, and we usually meet with you around 10 times during the course of your pregnancy. We rotate in the office and on-call, so you will be sure to meet and get to know all of us. And because we schedule plenty of time for visits, and don't overbook, we will be able to develop a personal relationship that benefits all of us and your baby.
During your visits, we will cover many important medical topics, including nutrition, physical activity, genetic screening tests and labwork. But that's only part of the process. We will also attend to your nonmedical concerns around your pregnancy. For some women, this is an exhilarating time when they feel the most alive. For others, it is a stressful time that conjures up fear and anxiety. And for most of us, it's a mixture of both. We're here to listen and offer suggestions to make the experience meaningful.
Contraceptive care
Choosing which type of birth control is best for you is very personal. It depends on many things, including your medical and family history, and what your future childbearing plans may be. By listening to you, we can help you make the right decision.
Vaginal Birth After Cesearean
As long as you’re an appropriate candidate for a VBAC, there’s a good chance you’ll succeed. Your chances of success are higher if the reason for your prior c-section isn’t likely to be an issue this time around. At WomanWise Midwifery, our VBAC rate has ranged from 65 to 90 percent for the last 5 years.
Research shows that some women have a higher chance of a successful VBAC. For example, a woman who has already had a vaginal delivery and then had a c-section when her next baby was breech is much more likely to have a successful VBAC than one who had a c-section after being fully dilated and pushing for three hours with her first baby who was small and properly positioned. (Having given birth vaginally boosts your odds dramatically.)
That said, it’s impossible to predict with any certainty which women will achieve a vaginal delivery and which will end up with a repeat c-section. Attempting a VBAC is called a Trial of Labor After Cesarean (TOLAC). Overall nationwide, about 60 to 80 percent of women who attempt a VBAC deliver vaginally.